


In 2017 AAOHN, in partnership with the AAOHN Foundation, was awarded a grant from Community Initiatives, as a part of the National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable (NVHR) mini-grant program to expand awareness and disseminate information on Hepatitis C. 

The AAOHN Community CARES about Hepatitis C

Commit to prioritizing Hepatitis C screening as one of your Employee Wellbeing/Health Promotion/Worksite Wellness projects for 2017-2018 and beyond.

Add the CDC 5-minute Hepatitis risk assessment questions to your Health Profile questionnaire, including an electronic charting reminder to screen, test, educate, refer and treat Hepatitis C.

Reach out to all employees, retirees, and dependents at risk for Hepatitis C to encourage testing and provide potential referral resources for follow up if Hepatitis C antibody and HCV RNA testing is positive.

Educate employees, retirees, and dependents regarding HCV risks, prevention, screening tests, workup process and current successful treatments options.

Support employees, retirees, and dependents with Hepatitis C in receiving and completing treatment, knowing there are patient assistance resources to assist in any treatment costs. Reassure that there is now a cure for Hepatitis C and treatment is usually completed in 8-12 weeks, and is associated with very few side effects. 

Resources for Occupational Health Nurses


Hepatitis C Toolkit

> Overall HCV Resources

> Clinician Update

> Employee, Dependent and Retiree Education

> HCV Screening Resources

> Treatment Resources

> Education Campaigns 

Hepatitis C News and Updates

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