AAOHN has over 40 chapters across the continental U.S., and joining an AAOHN Chapter is a great way to stay connected to OHNs in your area. Click on your U.S. state below to see more information about each AAOHN Chapter.
Ohio State Chapter
Members that join the Ohio State Chapter will also be placed in the relevant local chapter.

Ohio Association of Occupational Health Nurses (OAOHN)
Members can choose to be a part of as many chapters as they wish to be a part of.
OAOHN State and Local Chapter Membership (Dues Amount - $50.00) - This includes members throughout the State of Ohio and supports our Yearly Annual Conference. The Local Chapters are where our networking really happens on a local level; meetings are held throughout the year and offer education and networking with other people who are also doing a similar job you are currently doing. All OAOHN memberships include, at no extra cost, online access to our website, special pricing to continuing education events, access to supportive organizations and opportunities to network with other OHNs.
Click to go to the OAOHN Website to join as a member and review local events!
President: Noreen M. Dimmerling RN, COHN, CCM Email: nmd101455@gmail.com
Vice President: Loretta B. Gudenas Email: gudenas@gmail.com
Executive Director: Peggy Ann Berry PhD, RN, COHN-S Email: paberryrn@msn.com
Ohio Local Chapters
Northeast Local Chapter (Targets Northern Ohio)
Website: https://noaohn.nursingnetwork.com/
President: Kyla Frank kylamae87@gmail.com